Build your self CONFIDENCE with EASY steps...

To me, self confidence is one of the most attractive qualities a person could possess...honestly, there's nothing sexier than a lady with absolute confidence in herself and how she looks, no matter the circumstance, not caring what the next person thinks about her...

We all have days when we don't really feel ourselves and how we look...(I've had many of those days) what to do? have a mental conversation with yourself, because honestly, self confidence is a state of the mind...tell yourself how amazing you look and assure yourself that you can handle whatever situation the day brings forth. I struggle with self confidence sometimes so this method helps me to a great extent...and never forget; what matters matters most is what YOU think about yourself and how YOU feel!
When you think about something excessively, you start to believe make a conscious effort to stop the negative thoughts that enter your head about yourself and focus on the positive ones.

Few confidence boosting tips:

Walk Faster- Yea I know, this sounds a bit strange, but this is one of the easiest ways to tell how a person feels about herself; more confident people tend to walk faster and with more command and authority than people with less confidence, so put some spring into your step and let that confidence shine through.

Have good posture- 

Good posture has a lot to do with how confident you appear to people; by practicing good posture, you automatically feel more confident; sit/stand up straight, keep your head up and make eye contact with people when having a conversation. Having good posture increases your alertness and makes you feel really empowered! So shoulders back! Chin up! and strut your stuff hun!

Be Grateful-

When we focus on the things we don't have, this brings a lot of negative energy towards us and eventually this negativity projects outwards and affects our relationship with others. The best thing to do is to think of the things you do have and be grateful for them. When you feel down or sad because of the things you don't have, take out time to think about what you have. Recall your past successes, your unique skills,  your loving relationships, and you'll realize how much you have going for you and you would be motivated to take the next step towards success.

Pay others compliments- 

When you give compliments, you get compliments in return...personally, giving compliments and making others feel good always makes me feel good. By looking for and acknowledging the best in others, we indirectly bring out the best in ourselves and this builds our self confidence greatly.

Speak up- 

A lot of us are scared to speak in front of a group of people, the truth is people aren't as judgmental as we think they are, because most of them go through the same thing and understand how hard it is to speak. So make an effort to speak up; contribute to a discussion once in a while, answer/ask questions in a class or seminar this will help in making you more confident in your own thoughts and remember; practice makes perfect.


Just like physical appearance, physical fitness has a huge effect on self confidence. It not only improves your physical appearance, it also helps boost endorphines which can help stimulate you mentally, it energizes you and it gives you the feeling of accomplishing something positive. Having the discipline to work out not only makes you feel better, it creates positive momentum that you can build on the rest of the day.

Set goals for yourself- 

When you set goals for yourself (no matter how small) and accomplish them, there's this feeling of complete satisfaction you get and it boosts your self confidence a great deal...everyone loves that feeling of achievement. So set a few goals for yourself and go for them!

I'm gonna leave you with these words from the beautiful Sophia Loren;

"Beauty is how you feel inside. and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical"
Remember this! and let your confidence shine through because it is a priceless accessory!

Lots and Lots of Love...from my PurpleHeart! :*

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